Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Franck Trozzo Kazagui is a self-taught French director working with commercials and exploring visual storytelling, based in Berlin.

Your greatest inspirations or influences?

From an artistic point of view and the way they managed their career Pharell, Samuel Ross and Daniel Arsham inspire me a lot but lately since I moved to a new country I’ve realised that my parents especially my mother are my greatest inspiration. They worked so hard to give us everything we needed without complaining, now it's my turn to work hard and give them everything.

Tell us a bit about your creative process? Work you are most proud of, things you are looking forward to this year?

My creative process is pretty easy, I have a routine when I get an idea, first I write it down on my phone, then I need to be by myself without talking to anyone for two days, and during that time I ask myself where is the starting point of the story, how do I drive people through the story, where is the connection between each part the film, finding the proper balance to my story is really a priority for me.

I always try to push for authenticity with a bit of fiction in my work and make it feel real so people can relate to that.

How has this year changed your creativity or how you see the world changing moving forward?

When I was in France I couldn’t get the proper tools to fully express my creativity so I decided to take a step back and move to Berlin. It was here I got the chance to meet up with people that believe in my creativity and allow me to fully express myself in these times.

Who do you consider to be an icon of our time?

I don't consider myself an Icon, but if my story can inspire others to never gave up on their dreams then I have done my part . Being an artist is very challenging, You need to ask yourself what direction you to take with your work, If you do that for an artistic perspective or to make money, again It’s all about the right balance and being true to yourself.

Do you think the art world needs to change, and if so how can it be improved.

The art-world is already changing by allowing artists like Daniel Arsham to bring a more wide perspective and touching more people outside the art box. Social media platforms like Instagram are great tools to discover unknown artists that are providing new visions.

Thank you for chatting with us today Franck.

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