
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.

 The New Wave UNCUT

The New Wave UNCUT


A new force in the art scene-“The New Wave UNCUT” Curated by ZAK & Ja'bagh Kaghado Feb. 13th - March 10th MSK Eastside Gallery 

MSK Eastside Gallery
MSK Eastside Gallery

“The New Wave UNCUT” is  a group exhibition where each artist will show works that represent their personal vision in art direction, framing and presentation empowering them to co-curate with the gallery curators. Inspired by the ever changing urban landscape, demographics of a megapolis like “New Moskva”  the exhibition will investigate how art could communicate across humans living in one city and represent a complex urban identity. In the early 80s the New York art scene was defined by 3 major group events, “The Real Estate”, “The Time Square” and the “PS.1 New York / New Wave” shows. Each of those important exhibitions had a specific agenda stressing on social issues, but were unified by its diversity and it’s emergence of new names such as Jean Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, Nan Goldin, Larry Clark, Futura 2000, CRASH including many others who’s works still continue to inspire and influence. With that spirit  curators ZAK and Ja’bagh take us back to the mood of an era which produced amazing contemporary visionaries in art and photography believing that Moscow’s new generation will not be producing any less.

msk eastside gallery

What is your greatest inspiration?

1. Angelina Vorobyeva "Passion is the greatest inspiration.Nothing works without very strong feelings".

2. Ilya SLAK I find inspiration in the intelligent electronic music, mainly with jagged rhythms. just listen to the track and convert music into a visual image. it is an inexhaustible source for me.

3. Tatiana Fadeeva I am inspired by searching the art expressions that allow to show the feelings that people are not able to verbalize. Art for me is the way of describing the world, which gives us a lot more freedom than language and this is exciting!

4. Elena Oganesyan I would say that there are lot of things that inspire me. Movies, poetry, paintings. But people are on the first place. When I am getting into open hearted conversation or emotional contact, positive energy penetrates me. Even when I look at some art portrait, something drives me to act. I feel that I could talk with the man on the portrait and it produces creative emotions.

5. Kostya Zmogk Inspiration ... in women and music. Inner and outer beauty, emotions and feelings that arise because of them.

6. Irina Mann My dreams, in all meanings, I see dreams and I have dreams. Dreams that come from reality and drive me up to the sky.

7. Дарья Киселева для меня самое большое вдохновение - это когда я проливаю краску на пол, на стол, на одежду- я разглядываю пятна и выдумываю новый мир. еще меня вдохновляют ветви деревьев, провода, проволоки, киты и индюшки, ну и вообще всякие птицы, и люди, у которых изломалась душа. (да и вообще - люди - это не плохой материал для творчества))я считаю))

8. Karina Ivanova Duality of Love, Life, Beauty, Ugliness, Desire, or a single thought fueled with a strong emotion, expressed and bodied into any form and in a way that reaches my mind. Everything my minds elects in it's endless wonder.

9. Dmitri Aske In today's era of informational oversaturation, the biggest inspiration for me are calmness and silence.

10. Nikita Litvinenko The less living comfort there is around me, the more strength it brings.

11. lya Fedotov-Fedorov My passion of nature, biology in general and particularly myrmecology (ants) are my source for inspiration.

12. Elene Metreveli People! That I know and don't know.

13. Anastasia Ivanova My greatest inspirations are people I fall in love with. 

14. Anton Bundenko I think a lot about what the present is and what it will be associated with in the future. I now feel an enormous endless stream of information. Valuable as well as useless in many ways – some sort of universal rubbish which we have heard of but have never seen yet. We’ve stored a huge “bundle” of technical progress. I say “bundle” because I think that from the point of evolution, we haven’t learnt to use it properly. Nowadays, we might be coming to the stage when technological progress, development of economy and growth of industry and population become a threat for humanity.

15. Tasha Manaenkova For me, inspiration may be completely different things. This can be viewed a film that caused the strong emotions, pictures of artists, seen in the gallery, the image of man, which caused me to make pictures. Sometimes inspiration just may be meeting with the beloved person, after which, appear ideas for further shooting. 1

6. Virginie Caillet my ultimate inspiration comes from egon schiele...the strength and the liveliness of his stoke ,the sensuality and the suffering of his bodies...

17. ZAK For me its about the "struggle or battle". the struggle with thy self, or the struggle we are witnessing around us, all over the world. the struggle between right and wrong, good and bad in the larger sense of society.

18. Gost I am inspired by all the elements and activities that occur around me, I am like a sponge that takes everything and shapes it inside myself! I love all the good things and all the bad things in life it's all there for a reason and that inspires me to see and make things clear to myself.

msk eastside gallery
msk eastside gallery