Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Wendy White's Solo Exhibition "Up w/ Briquette"- Leo Koenig Inc

In her second show at the  Leo Koenig gallery, Wendy White incorporates many techniques familiar to her work, such as multiple canvases configured to read as a whole, aggressive line work, acrid colors, and a generous helping of black paint.

Added to the mix are outlines of letters and sculptural attachments which mimic written language. Language and communication figure prominently in her works. Billboards, street signage, and graffiti all express a kind of communication that White subverts and strips of its manipulative associations, forcing a querying rather than consumed response. If language contains within it the essence of a culture, then White’s canvases can be seen as approaching the fragmented, cursory modes of interaction that take place in our daily lives. 

Recent solo shows: Galeria Moriarty, Madrid (2009) and Leo Koenig (2008)... upcoming group show, "Platinum Metre" at Gerhard Hofland, Amsterdam (opens June 5).

Greatest inspirations or influences?

Riding in the back seat of my parents' car in the winter, looking at dingy old signs and feeling kind of depressed and not knowing why. Andy Warhol's Shadows series. The way people stick cigarette butts in cracks in brick walls when they can't find a trash can.

Other artists you like ?

I thought Mike Kelley's last show killed.

Favorite galleries in the world?

Obviously Leo Koenig! and Galeria Moriarty is full of the warmest, friendliest, most wonderful people I've ever met.

I feel all warm and fuzzy just thinking about that place.

Favorite websites?

I get annoyed unless sites update like every five seconds, so I don't check many regularly. I follow people's links on Facebook, and every night I hit the New York Times crossword puzzle site. Nerd town.

What can we expect from your  exhibition?

Big painting/objects with appendages of text, lots of open, scrubby areas and pops of color!

Challenges of what you do?

Sometimes I make paintings so big I can't move them by myself, but I think it's the biggest deal that I build everything; every single f*ing screw and staple. It matters to the work. It's a more accurate record of my intentions.

How does ny inspire you as a person ( not just your work)?

Ever heard that Jay-Z and Alicia Keys song? Exactly like that.

Most interesting shows so far ?

Shows I've seen or shows I've been in? I was recently in a show called Brooklyn Schlacht that was really cool. It was a painting battle between the US and Germany. As far as shows I've seen lately, I really like Dirk Skreber's show right now at Friedrich Petzel, and the Joe Bradley/Chris Martin show at Mitchell Inness was so weird and great.

Anything else you'd like to share with our audience?

'Every time I paint a portrait I lose a friend.' -John Singer Sargent

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