
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.


JessUblime grew up in Switzerland and from early on was writing poetry, screenplays and short stories. She became interested in composing her own music when she was given a great computer and music software for Christmas.

She learned the program with a patient teacher that later became her producer. They quickly realized they were complimentary and started working on an album together, "Extravaland." At the core of her music lies the notion of momentary escapes from reality, or “trance” states as she calls it. While her lyrics may refer to the mundane everyday reality, JessUblime’s use of electronic sounds aims at erasing those very words she puts down, as if music, like addiction, acts as a conduit to an alternate reality. When not working on her music, Jess is a Philosophy student at The New School.

Greatest inspirations or influences?

My greatest inspiration is observation. Observing colors, shapes and people have a great influence on my work. I like to absorb information through all of my senses, and I usually dream of sounds and songs and wake up in a sudden urge to compose. Thus JessUblime, the subliminal child. I also enjoy nature and its superiority, I feel very connected to nature: the sea, mountains, flowers and trees. Orchids to be specific. Romantic experiences also have an intense effect on me. Feeling physically close to someone ignites my imagination. I am influenced by all types of music ranging from Janis Joplin to Lil’ Wayne.

Favorite websites?

I have to say that I love clothing, and even though I promised myself I would never give out this address, i will! I love lagarconne.com because the clothing is manly and slick. I love blazers, shirts and Beatle Boots. This is the place to go if you want to dress like a man and still look feminine. I hate going to stores, the frenzy, the hormones of NYC women fighting over a saturday night outfit, trying on clothes and have someone tell me how great I look in the outfit, when frankly, I look like a giraffe in a tight ass leopard print dress. I’m no stiletto kind of girl.

How do you describe the style of your music?

People generally categorize me into the Dance/Electronic category. I think that my music is quite playful and versatile. I use electronic sounds, but I use a Pop structure. It is very hard to categorize music nowadays, thanks to softwares we can merge styles as we please. I would actually invent a whole new category for my type of music because it is neither mainstream nor alternative. It's “Streamative.” I am currently working on a second album, and I am not planning to go anywhere but where my audience leads me. I want to make people dance joyfully and forget about their troubles when they hear my tunes.

Dream collaboration for you?

If I had to pick one it would definitely be Depeche Mode.

Most memorable performance so far?

My first performance. It seemed unreal. When I was a locked up in my home studio composing, I never thought I would get a chance to sing my songs live. I am extremely shy and it was a great achievement to overcome this shyness. I had no choice but to get up there and do my thing.

How has NY affected you as a person?

New York has taught me to be an active and independent individual. Living in this city has shaped me into being an organized and rather competitive woman. I meet people from all over the world and working in various industries every single day. New York makes me want to be a better person, on a constant quest to succeed in everything I undertake. I think that I am very lucky to live in such a dynamic and eclectic environment. I'm quite an easy going gal, NYC is my upper.

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