
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.



Interview with jewelry designer Halleh Amiralai

Halleh Amiralai's introduction to the New York fashion world came when she landed a job as account executive and showroom coordinator for CHANEL Ready-to-Wear. Soon after, she was handpicked by Alice Temperley to launch the Temperley London private sales showroom in New York where she worked closely with celebrity stylists Rachel Zoë and Patricia Field to dress celebrities such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Cameron Diaz, and Keira Knightly.

What is HALLEH?

HALLEH is my signature line of precious jewelry named after myself because there is so much of my life in every piece. My far reaching travels speak through my designs and my Persian heritage fuse my pieces together to create something totally original.

I got tired of seeing the same type of jewelry in the boutiques. I wasn't satisfied. It's the Leo in me..always searching for the best. So, I started on my own adventure...Once, i realized that others noticed the jewelry i was making and wearing for personal pleasure - i knew i was on to something great.

My collection consists of one-of-a-kind cocktail rings, necklaces, bangles, cuffs and earrings made with 18k yellow gold and refined with a soft matte finish. All handcrafted.

Who is the type of customer you design for?

I design for the confident gal about town. A girl can be dressed head to toe in brand labels but if she's not confident, the look just doesn't work....

My customer understands her own sense of style and doesn't rely on new trends that change every minute these days. She also knows that the key to looking smart is accessorizing with one notable piece of jewelry.

Who do you think are the chicest girls in NYC?

Lauren Santo Domingo and Sally Albermarle They are both simple and elegant. Their core style remains the same. I met Lauren in Cartagena a few years back on her now husband's boat...she looked just as stunning with her bikini and caftan as she did later on that evening in her dress.

Best stores to buy jewelry?

In New York: Kirna Zabete and Fragments

Things you cant live without?

My yoga mat.

How often are you creating pieces for your collection?

In my head: every minute...In my studio: every day.

Do you have a philosophy behind your collection?

I want people to feel good when they wear my pieces. Gold always warms the soul. Plus, it's an anti-oxidant great for warding off cancers.


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