Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Roc Chaliand is a multi talented fashion photographer living between paris, dubai and bangkok. Having had a 20+ year successful career in music he has now turned to his life long passion and is regarded as  one of the most up and coming fashion photographers. in 2008 he launched 'ever' an international photography related magazine  blending experiences in fashion, art, society and intl politics.

How did you get into Photography?

I started shooting documentary and landscapes as a teenager, around 13. Back then I was lucky to publish at 14 years old a documentary in french National Geographic about the decay of USSR during Perestroika. I rediscovered photography in my 30’s buying a very basic Ricoh camera

In 2008, not being able to find online any media representing all my influences, I decide to launch my own online magazine, EVER MAGAZINE.  In 2014 I realized I was looking into other photographer’s work for the expression of my own artistic cravings. I then decided to get myself a Canon 5D and started shooting ”fine arts”, personal projects and fashion. Ever since I’m a full time photographer and I specialized in fashion in the great outdoors, city streets and architectural locations.

Your greatest inspirations or influences?

Asian cinema and classic Renaissance paintings are a very strong influence on my photography.

Most interesting response to your work so far?

It seems I have touched the eyes and heart of the UAE therefore most my work has recently been produced and published in the area. I've been also very touched and proud to have some positive feedback from Nick Knight, whose work I admire.

Most interesting photo shoot and why?

I have been very lucky to have been challenged during almost all of my shoots. Whether a Haute Couture shoot in Paris for Luxury Magazine in an amazing Napoleonian Palace or on the very edge of  400 meters gaps in the mountains of Oman, or more recently in Chinatown for L’Optimum Thailand, I like the fact every story is a new defying adventure during which I learn new techniques and approaches in photography.

What would be a dream project for you?

As I recently signed with visionnaire agency Things By People, It would be a dream for me to shoot a story involving all the talents represented and some iconic models of all ages in a fashion story covering the four seasons on the 5 continents.

How would you describe your visual identity?

I have a very cinematic style. I tend to pull light out of darkness in dramatic yet peaceful sceneries. I like to to create a feeling of quietness in the middle of a storm.

Favorite websites, publications or social media handles?

I’m very much into Instagram and the versatility of creating a graphic wall where you need to "step back and look at the bigger picture”.

I’m both interested in shooting for major commercial publications and extremely edgy magazines, and of course online mags with a large audience if managed by sharp curators .

Anything else you would like to share with our creative audience?

I’m hungry for new projects ! Let’s meet and produce amazing stuff together