Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Carlos Amorales, Peep Show, Galeria Solo

Born in 1970 in Mexico City.

Carlos Amorales is a Mexican artist that works with mixed media displaying a variety of topics from wrestling performances to drawings based on his vector editing database named “Liquid Archive”.

Influenced by traditional, popular and conceptual representations, Amorales’ body of works emphasizes on symbolism and the repetitiveness of an image.

In PeepShow at Galeria Solo in Madrid, we see an evolution from his previous work, which was more abstract. Based on the template of a female and a male figure (inspired by the Greek mythological character of Narcissus) the characters evolve from simple silhouettes drawn in black and white to almost fantastic characters printed almost automatically in colors, and captured in drawings and neons. In this way, it reinterprets its meanings and eliminates the content to which it can be associated.

About the Artist

Carlos Amorales studied in Amsterdam at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie (1996-97) and Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten (1992-95). He has made artistic residencies at the Atelier Calder in Saché (2012) and MAC / VAL in Vitry-sur-Seine (2011) in France; and in the United States as part of the Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship program in Washington (2010).