Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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When I moved to NYC in 1998, I used to regularly visit the Patricia Field store on West Broadway and it was there I met Armen Ra, with his beautifully large almond eyes and Miri Krispin who asked me to join an editorial project titled “Hotel Venus”. One of the first photo productions was a magazine cover featuring Armen shot by designer and art director, Todd Oldham and I just remember being at the shoot watching his every move in awe. The way he posed so naturally for the camera, his delicate hand gestures, and elegant subtle movements- it was splendid to watch. The way Armen applied make up and so quickly transformed into an otherworldly creature, it was fabulous.

Born into an artistic Iranian-Armenian family in Iran, Armen’s aunt was a renowned opera singer and a graduate of the Santa Cecilia Conservatory of Music in Rome.  Growing up, he was exposed to classical music and his home was frequented by artists like Charles Aznavour. In 1978, with the revolution, his family had to exile in the U.S. and Armen had to adapt quickly to a new way of life in a new country, handle bullying and learn to deal with feeling really out of place. At only 16 he moved to the bright lights and big city of NY and immersed himself into club culture and the drag scene, attracting the attention of Tim Burton, Andy Warhol, and Salvador Dali ( to name only a few). It was a wild time and a dangerous playground. Divine intervention led him to what would essentially save his life. His intrigue and strong determination to purchase and learn to play the theremin, the first electronic instrument ever invented in 1920, by Russian physicist Leon Theremin.  You might recognize the sound from old Sci-Fi flicks but watching him play with his hands is extremely powerful on many levels. I highly encourage you to check out the documentary below because it is amazing.

Interview Leila Antakly

Armen your greatest inspirations or influences?

I am influenced by beauty. The great composers, lyrical operas, and spectacular voices. The Theremin is my voice and it has eight octaves so I am quite pleased.

What was it that initially attracted you to play the theremin?

It was the haunting sound which in the right hands can resemble a beautiful voice. Also the fact that it is played without touching intrigued me. After the first time I saw a theremin being played live I had to have it. And so I did.

How are the current trends in technology and innovation affecting your work as a creative 

My career with the Theremin started with the Internet. I started playing in 2001 got the first laptop, created a fabulous MySpace page and the rest is history. 

We’d love to hear more about your creative process. 

Recording music for me is like painting. I see the finished painting/hear the final track, and then I start creating it with layers of sound. 

What is one of the most memorable responses you've heard regarding your music, and art. 

Most people are emotionally affected during my performances or listening to the music. This is why I wanted to create music, to emotionally affect others and relieve their sadness, and bring beauty into this world. There are too many memorable occasions to mention. Hearing that people are  emotionally moved by what I do is the ultimate compliment. High art affects people emotionally therefore it is divine. I am humbled to have this ability. 

What does wellbeing mean to you and anything in particular that you practice?

Well-being to me means being comfortable in your body and mind. I practice yoga and study Eastern philosophy. Practicing ,creating and playing the music is meditative and reminds me that everything is vibration.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I am in the process of recording my next album and I do soundtrack work and session work for other artists. Also due to popular demand I’ve started a jewelry line.