
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.



Today we meet medical Doctor and Artist from a small city in Northern India who talks with us about her journeys and inspiration.

I am an Empath and highly sensitive person. I can perceive the subtleties, details and can read between the lines that made me feel different but I recently came to this realization that it is my superpower. I was working as a resident doctor in India' best hospital during the rise of pandemic and this forced me to go within . I went into therapy, started working on myself and in the process became very clear that I wanted to express myself as an artist.

Tell us about your inspirations please

I lived in Rishikesh, a spiritual place in India where the energy is soothing and mysterious at the same time. I am so influenced by river Ganga, I used to sit by this river and sometimes cry. One day I just started painting out of nowhere and I strongly believe that the Holy River Ganga made me aware of my own true nature that is ever flowing, pure and pristine and made me a very spiritual person. I hope that my artworks reflect that.

How does technology affect your work as a creative

The current trends in technology and innovation are very inspirational, I firmly believe that everything has something to teach you so I never get intimidated to explore and experience anything new, although sometimes it takes time to wrap your head around something but I try and take things and compartmentalise them and then look from a higher perspective just like a bird's view.

Tell us about your creative process.

Observation is the starting point for me and my process is very simple. Honestly I never force myself to produce, I let an art piece come to me and I just channel the energy. Creation for me is destructive and constructive so I am never in a hurry or desperate to finish. I just simply observe my surroundings and my inner self and follow my curiosities.

What do you think about the art world today?

The art world is very ambiguous and abstract. What I have observed is that if you have something real and you are loud enough to speak your truth then nothing can stop you.

What does wellbeing mean to you and what do you practice?

Wellbeing for me is to experience life in such a way where we are seen, heard, understood, valued, respected, accepted and loved and that starts with the self. I love myself no matter what, tools including- meditation, walks in nature, self care routines, setting proper boundaries and right social media and media consumption and by right I meant what is good for my mental health.

Thank you so much for joining us today.

Instagram handle- @rung_amaizi_