Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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I have always been creative since childhood.I grew up in the big city of Lewis, KS., population 500, where I spent many hours drawing, sewing and making things with my hands from nature. I started out as a 3D Mixed Media artist in 2000 after quitting my Dental Hygienist career. I sculpted heads and hands from clay then searched antique stores and even a few dumpsters looking for unique objects to create the body. I am drawn to the human figure and inspired by color and simple shapes with an appreciation for offbeat materials. I began drawing again three years ago when our plans were to do a little traveling once my husband retired. Watercolors were easier to travel with. Each drawing is an Original sketch with a whimsical style using graphite, watercolor and a number of mark making materials. I draw with my non-dominant hand to create a deeper mystery for my abstract figure.

Your greatest inspirations or influences?

I am inspired by everyday objects. Most people see things as they are but I see endless possibilities. As far as who or what influences my work. If I had to give an example it would be the importance of Imaginative thinking. Everything I create comes from that skill that was developed as a child. Paper dolls were cut from discontinued McCall pattern books.

Tell us about your creative process

My creative process starts every morning with choosing paint colors and making marks on the paper that make me happy. It could be a word or verse that is written down from my morning meditation. Then I look to see what image appears to me. I never know how they will turn out. 

Has the pandemic affected your creativity?

The Pandemic has not affected my creativity since I work from home but it has affected how I sell my work. Since all Art Fairs and Gallery Shows had come to a stop I’ve had to learn and implement social media as my storefront.

What does wellbeing mean for you?

For me art is therapy. Something I am completely passionate about that I need to do every day.