Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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photographer and graphic designer specialized in urban photography

I currently live in Madrid although I have spent a large part of my life traveling discovering the world, people and situations through my lens. I express myself better through my visual work since I am not a person of many words.

your biggest inspirations or influences.  

My biggest inspiration is traveling. I love to interact with people from the audiovisual and design world. my friends in this sector inspire me and help me to perfect my style when it comes to transmitting my feelings.

Tell us a bit about your creative process. 

I am a maniac and very strict with my work. I like to have my ideas clear and I do my best to go unnoticed when I take photos. I want to be able to capture the essence of people I photograph and reflect their character and give an authentic vision of who they are.

With portraiture, I research the person, and I look for particular characteristics they have that stand out. A perfect portrait is one that would convey those elements in a single image. While with campaigns and editorials, I focus on the essence of the brand. When it comes to street or landscape photography, I try to represent How I was feeling that exact moment the shot was taken.. 

How has the pandemic affected your creativity?

It’s been a turning point for everyone, but when it comes to the creatives I feel its been positive. We have increasingly strengthened our relationship with the digital world and its infinite possibilities. 

Who do you consider an icon of our time? 

there are just too many people and it would be unfair to single out just one. 

What does wellness mean to you?  

Well-being for me would be the union between my work and my day to day. I mean, that would be the perfect tandem. I always work with passion and what motivates me without a doubt are new challenges!
