Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Karina Logothetis grew up in Greece and has been based in Los Angeles the past five years. She began with her studies in Photography and Audiovisual Arts and has since moved into Filmmaking. Her visual art is her personal expression, and way to communicate her thoughts and feelings to others.

At the moment I am working and blending both industries in my everyday life, as a fashion and fine art photographer, writer, director and script supervisor in the film industry.

Your greatest inspirations or influences?

  • Nature for sure.

  • My surroundings, anywhere I am any time.

  • Light, colors and textures.

  • People I know, or meet or just observe in the street.

  • Different cultures and traveling.

  • Sounds and music.

  • Smells, emotions, our teachers,

  • conversations in our every day encounters.

I know I’m using some clichés here, but honestly, observing everyday life in this way, makes us the artists that we are.

How has this year changed your creativity?

Since covid invaded our lives, time paused for a while. I feel this was a wake up call for many of us. For me personally, this past year helped me realize that there is more to life than working and being constantly productive, something that we cannot control easily since we live in such a rush and have to keep up with everything and everyone. During the first lockdown I rejected the pressure of having to produce art, and just took the time for finding myself. That helped me flourish creatively and personally later on during this year, and honestly I feel more inspired than ever.

Do you think the art world needs to change, and if so how can it be improved?

The art world is constantly changing since the birth of social media platforms and the easy access to internet in general. It is up to us to learn how to handle technological evolution and not misuse it as most of us humans do at the moment.

In my opinion, what needs to change for sure, is the way non-artists perceive art. What we all found out this past year is that in many countries, artists are not considered essential workers. So I am asking these people, how did you spend your time during quarantine? I guess by watching movies, listening to music, reading or dancing. Big revolutions have started by art. I believe it is high time for a some kind of a new revolution through art.

What does wellbeing mean to you?

  • To be surrounded by loved ones, as well as being able to be alone but not feel lonely.

  • Mental health.

  • To have the chance to see as many sunrises and sunsets as possible, and just stare at the sky and colors. Embracing time, which I’m still working on.




My first (and favorite up to now) short film I wrote and directed: