
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.



The photographer who lives and works in Athens, Greece is recognized for exploring the abstract or form-focused, that is characterized by eroticism and inwardness, and features dark, dynamic figures bordering the edge between reality and fantasy.

His first individual exhibition, entitled RAW, took place in Athens in 2017. His work has been exhibited all over the world, highlights include: The Peiraeus Bank Conference Centre, the Tsihritzi Visual Arts Institution, the 'Artzone 42' Gallery, the Kapsiotis 'Gallery of the South', the 'Romanzo' Cultural Centre, the Art Number 23 UK Gallery, the Chili Art Gallery in Athens, the 'Venus Art Gallery' in Mykonos island, the SEE|ME Gallery NY, etc. Alexandros has collaborated with UNESCO on a visual action framework in 2019 and 2020, participated in the Southern Balkan Photo Festivals, worked with 'Jacasseur' news service company, collaborated with 'The Black Rabbit' magazine as a contributing creative director in the U.S.

Your greatest inspirations or influences?

I can still remember the day when still a kid i discovered the work of RICHARD AVEDON, also INTERVIEW magazine, 4AD record label and all the artworks in the record sleeves.

Tell us about your creative process and some things you are looking forward to this year?

I always have a camera with me , whether I’m working on a specific project or not because art can be found in every day life. it is also my way of continuously staying creative. It never stops.

This year I’m attending some exciting exhibitions that I am part of and I am looking forward to a planned trip on an Island where I will begin working and shooting my new project.

Did the pandemic affect your work or creativity?

Through the lockdown I finished my project "Les Fleurs Du Mal”, which is a deeply personal work based on The Flowers Of Evil by Charles Baudelaire .

Icons in your opinion?

I would say a philanthropist, in my opinion.

Do you think the art world need to change, if so how can it be improved?

A completely new era has just started, and it is globalized. It is still early to talk about art in the age of covid and financial crisis. but everything changes whether we want it or not.

What does wellbeing mean to you?

Being true to my needs mentally and physically.

Follow the work of Alexandros Emmanouilidis