
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.



Artist born in Caracas- Venezuela currently living and working between Caracas and Beirut.

Your greatest inspirations or influences?

Besides being inspired and influenced by our Venezuelan masters in kinetic art and OpArt like is Cruz-Díez and Soto among others, I am influenced by my inner side, always had the urge for perfection and somehow control of my surroundings and in my work I can achieve that but what amazes me and also gets me excited is the part where natural or artificial light hits the art piece all of the sudden and in front of my eyes I can see how with its own shadow it starts changing, creating shapes and forms of her own, where I can see a whole new side of it and every time the light is moved in different directions the shadows seem to transform themselves without any control and that’s how our inner self is, constantly changing, it’s somehow amazing to let go and let it all flow.

Tell us a bit about your creative process? things you are looking forward to this year?

My creative process is defined by the constant changes within me and my surroundings.

How has this year changed your creativity or how you see the world changing moving forward?

This year has been a challenge in every way. It has given me the opportunity to accept things as they come and as they are. I believe my creativity is always changing and evolving within it.

Who do you consider to be an icon of our time?

An Icon is someone that understands that we are all equal, no matter the color, race, beliefs or sexual orientation, someone that is able to lend a hand in these tough times that we are going through, someone that understands and accepts someone’s opinion even though that persons has a different perspective of a certain thing or matter.

Icons are those who make a difference everyday.

Do you think the art world needs to change, and if so how can it be improved.

I think the art world has gone through big and dramatic changes this last year and thankfully through social media we have been able to amplify our horizon. Speaking from my experience for example, few galleries from different countries have contacted me to work together, that is something that didn’t happen much before. I believe the art world is now more connected globally speaking and that gives us (artists) the chance to showcase our work in places we never imagined before.

Benbela Abounassif

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