
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.



Interview with Kevin Felicianne

Today is an extremely important day for us, because after spending a long time working with photography we have decided to merge with some of the most exciting platforms that support our vision and mission, helping artists expose their work and put them directly with art enthusiasts around the world. There is no need for only a few people in a flawed system ( called the art world) to dictate what artists can and can’t be exposed, when only a limited few could benefit from the old model. We have been a part of that change using social media exposing the works of some of the most inspiring artists in the world and putting you the reader in touch with them directly. Today one such artist, is Kevin Felicianne.

Kevin is originally from the French West Indies, and spent his childhood in Guadeloupe. At 19 he moved to France to study Japanese at the University of Toulouse and later INALCO in Paris. Self taught in photography he got his start by his curious nature and remembers fondly experimenting with his first camera a Nikon D3100 taking pictures of anything and everything…

….from taking portraits to a photo of an insect. Strawberries in a bowl of milk and immortalizing the moment of impact when the strawberry touches the milk and capturing that beautiful second. It is interesting to be eclectic and touch everything. I am the only child in my family who is keen on photography.

Kevin your greatest inspirations or influences?

  • In terms of photography, Richard Avedon, Mario Testino, and Kevin Sinclair.

  • I also find my inspiration in everyday life, whether it's at home or outdoors. I look everywhere, I look at my environment while I walk in Paris, whether in the metro or in the street, I look at people, objects and I imagine what I could do as a result in photography.

  • Sometimes billboards can grab my attention and I love browsing fashion magazines.

Tell us about your creative process and what you are looking forward to next?

Usually when I organize editorial shoots for magazines, I organize myself and the team in advance and prepare a moodboard which I share with them to prep beforehand.

A career highlight so far was my exhibition in Paris, last September. The response was overwhelming and this year, I am open to see what is in store, perhaps another exhibition, why not?

How has this year impacted your creativity and how do you see the world changing as we move forward?

No one could predict the gloom or the impact of the pandemic at the beginning. I struggled between April and June like everyone else quarantined indoors. By not being able to go outside, I began taking still life photography starting with chewing gum. The concept only continued to get more elaborate with fruits, jewelry, flowers and other feminine objects and it just took a life of its own, That said, something good came out of this difficult confinement.

Anything else you would like to share?

I really want to thank all my friends and family who support me, my ideas, exhibitions and who believe in what I do. I am very proud.