Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Tell us about yourself gabriel

I was born in 1989 in Pamplona. I began my studies in a high school of arts. When I finished I moved to Barcelona to study Art and Design in the Escola Massana. Then I did a residence in Arteleku, a contemporary Art center in San Sebastián, where I was working on a personal project related to art in the public space. After that I moved to Bilbao to do a Master degree of Painting in the University of Basque Country. I live and work in San Sebastian, where I share a studio with my friends and workmates Sebas Velasco, Mikel delRio, Iñaki J. Areizaga and Mikel Remak.

your greatest inspirations or influences?

my main inspiration is nature and it’s landscapes. the sky, how it constantly changes its colors and lights and I find references in natural textures like rock, mountains, trees, plants, and THE SEA.

I ALSO LOVE TO LOOK AT paintings in museums, books, internet and so on. Apart from that I try to be attentive to all things happening around me.

Tell us a bit about your creative process? Work you are most proud of, things you are looking forward to this year?

I like to wake up early and go to the studio. When I arrive I don’t immediately start to paint but I light a cigarette and I carefully look at the works from the day before. I rarely directly work with references like images or sketches, I like to paint from intuition. Normally there is hanging on the studio wall several papers or small canvases which I paint at the same time. When I find  something interesting I try to take that and paint it on a big canvas.

this year I would like to change some features of my painting and try something different maybe something more organic.. this year i would like to take part in a residency, i think it is a great opportunity for artists to meet each other and share experiences, points of view and interests.

How has this year changed your creativity or how you see the world changing moving forward?

This year has been really weird for everybody. In my case I feel more conscious about small things in life. and will be watching the world from different perspectives in order to learn as much as possible. I am observing myself more and making the most of my time. In relation to my creativity I work slower but have more confidence in my skills. 

Anything else? 

be moved by Art, drink more water and read more books. Peace for everyone.