Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Dennis Rudolph is an artist working with graphics, video, AR, paint, and performance, and we are honoured for the opportunity to discuss his practice, and contemporary approach.

Tell us about yourself Dennis

Born 1979 in Berlin where I live and work. I Studied in Beijing at the Language and Culture Institute, at the Repin Academy in St. Petersburg and in Berlin at the University of Fine Arts. I am most proud of my artistic crisis from 2012-2017 when I went into the Californian Desert to update Rodin’s Gate to Hell in the empty streets of California City. I eventually painted it in 3D in the Virtual Reality and placed it with a GPS based Augmented Reality app on the Desert Butte there. All this completely changed my art and the way I work until today. 

Greatest inspirations?

The Baroque, Apple, Hollywood and Wagner.

How do you describe your creative process? 

This is great - this is shit - this could be something - this is great!

How has the pandemic affected your creativity or your artistic process, and how do you see things moving forward.

It made me realize how much the media shapes my reality and the way I perceive the world around me. I started implementing a sort of White Noise of thousands of photos from the internet into my Augmented Reality installations. They form a matrix on which you walk. In general this pandemic speeds up the things that were already set into motion beforehand. For example the digitalization of our everyday life, which a lot of people were hesitant to embrace but now have no other choice but to do so. Dealing with the problems of this digital shift is a great topic for the arts of the 21 century. 

What are some upcoming projects/shows we can look forward to seeing ? 

Nothing is certain at the moment, projects get cancelled on short notice but I am confident that The Portal will be installed in Hamburg at the underground station Elbbruecken in May this year. It’s part of a bigger show curated by Ellen Blumenstein from Imagine the City. With an AR app which you can download with a QR code at the station you will be able to walk through the Portal to the tunes of Wagner’s Entry of the Gods to Walhalla. On the other side you will find yourself at the end of the western world: on the Desert Butte in California City overseeing the grid of its endless empty streets. 

Thank You Dennis, visit his work here.