Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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As a creative platform and one constantly in the search for new music, we generally prefer alternative music and classical compositions mixed with modern electronic grooves, however we also search for inspiring creatives, the ones that in this world demand a change, who are a positive force, so we are very excited to introduce this singer from Manchester who works very hard to raise awareness for mental health and comes from three generations of musicians.

Interview Daniela Selva

Inspired by the infamous quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world” - Lily-Jo is a s about taking initiative, smiling in the face of adversity, and the importance of simply being kind to one another. The song was not intentionally written as a result of Covid, but we can surely say the message is perfect for these very uncertain times.  Lily-Jo is also a counsellor and founder of mental health platform, The Lily-Jo Project.

Greatest inspirations and influences in life and creatively?

I get inspired by all kinds of things! Creation, my children, my husband, a piece of art. There is so much beauty all around us, it’s just about being open enough to see it. 

How would you describe your music? 

My music is pop with a soul tone. I wrote this latest release, ‘Be The Change’ way before Covid-19. I wrote this song with fellow singer songwriter, Philippa Hanna. We  have great writing chemistry and so we got together to create. There’s always a bit of nervous energy beforehand. Like, is a song going to be birthed today?! We mind mapped the idea of what it means to ‘be the change in the world that you want to see.’ This song is about focusing on the good stuff. It’s about focusing on what is possible. 

How do you think the world is going to change now that we are living in such uncertain times?

I hope that we see a world where people are kinder to each other. A world where we are mindful that we are mere mortals and we need to celebrate the times we have together. Creatives out there I hope keep creating, their story is too important to be hushed. I hope that our mental health services are being equipped to handle the aftermath of the pandemic. My team and I at The Lily Jo Project are gearing up for potential problems we see emerging. We are building courses and workshops on grief, anger and trauma recovery. 

Favorite websites, social media handles you follow?

I like to follow Oprah! I love her super soul Sunday podcast. I also enjoy hearing from Dr Caroline Leaf. 

What are some things we can do now, anybody.everybody to support people working in mental health. 

I think being kind should not be underestimated! We need to be kind with our words and our actions. 

  • Check out Lily-Jo's online self help resource here

  • To donate to The Lily-Jo Project click here

  • To Eavesdrop into conversations between Lily-Jo and friends, click here for the podcast

  • Listen for free on Spotify

  • Instagram: @xxlilyjoxx 

  • Youtube: /c/lilyjo