Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Interview with KUNAKA

Kunaka tell us about you.
I express my self honestly with my heart following my feelings and my intuitions.

Greatest inspirations or influences?
The Universe itself by its beauty and complexity.

Most interesting response to your work that you have heard so far?
It's disturbing and pleasing at the same time

Favorite websites or social media handles?

Challenges of your industry?

We have to be humble, in tune with our principles and beliefs and not let anyone make us doubt ourselves, our art or anything else. Do not compare yourself with others because you are unique.

Anything else you would like to share with us?

We are all interconnected to the frequency of a being, someone or something vibrating in a certain frequency can give me the inspiration, the impulse to create something in his or her likeness. I usually go with the flow ...

My mantra: Be yourself and express it and share your divine talent with others for the good of humanity .