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Keep Calm and Tiremm Inanz

Keep Calm and Tiremm Inanz

Keep Calm and Tiremm inanz.png

Sitting here on day 3 of home quarantine, finding the ways to optimize productivity working from home, and of course from a more personal level, re- evaluating my lifestyle by thinking of ways to move forward with less fear of the future and with optimism and excitement. Its in times like these that we are all experiencing, that hopefully most people realize we must come together. That said I am very proud of Alessia’s initiative www.tiremm-inanz.com  currently supporting the Milan, Lombardy region of Italy so badly affected by COVID19.

About Alessia Officio

Alessia has over 10 years’ transversal experience in both financial and strategic fields in Italy and abroad. A "creative problem-solver" passionate for getting things done by serving the complex needs of high-growth, innovative, and entrepreneurial businesses. She is also involved in what she calls her “ sexy project” WHO GIVES A FUNK with our mutual friend, we both adore Scilla Ruffo.

What is www.tiremm-inanz.com 

Tirèmm-inànz in milanese means: keep going.

The aim of this website is to be seen as an invitation to continue tenaciously and without hesitation during this delicate isolation period at home - hence let's pull through together, consisting of;

- ideas (what to do at home - practical activities and for fun)
- online tools and services (digital entertainment, productivity, delivery, online services, etc.);
- donations (link to donation collection funds and tribute to VIP donations/contributions).

I decided to start this project with the idea of Tirèmm-inànz meaning we are stronger if we are united and united but at home.

I would love to share how this situation has made you re- evaluate your life and priorities?

Well if the website gets enough reach and traction, I would like this to be the beginning of something bigger where I can support strategic synergies. Hence, I will need to create a more complex website and I am already reaching out for support (I am a Finance / Strategy person, hence I developed an easy-to-build up site ;-) 

Will the website expand to other countries? 

If people will recognize the website as useful tool, I would love to. Please get in touch if you would like to support this initiative.

Anything else?

I will share a quote, that I believe is perfect to describe how the idea of this website originated:

  “Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.”  - Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea (1952) 

Please have a look, and if you would like to support this fantastic cause, get people who are at home united on a shared platform contact Alessia.

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