Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Meet Shark Girl Madison Stewart


One of our resolutions for this coming decade was a decision to not only interview creatives but the most inspiring people in the world. We are very excited to present these interviews and have an amazing list so far. One of the first we begin this new chapter with is Madison Stewart, ( aka shark girl) founder of Project Hiu who has raised International awareness to shark fishing. The aim of Project Hiu is not to convert or condemn, rather slowly introduce opportunity to a community that has only ever known shark fishing. By hiring shark fishing boats to engage in tourism activities, they offer an alternative income that simultaneously and effectively protects sharks.

Madison please tell us about yourself and your love for sharks.

I've been in love with sharks since I was young. I got involved in conservation because I was already seeing a change in our oceans. After making my first documentary I continued down a path of helping sharks in any way I can, my filmmaking has been my strongest tool and passion to this day. From taking on supermarket chains selling shark meat, to targeting infamous shark hunters, I've had many years in the conservation struggle, with my main objective always being to protect the oceans I grew up in.  I have always grown up in the oceans, living on a yacht form the age of two and then growing up on the water in Australia’s Gold Coast. At 12 years old I was a certified open water diver at Sundive in Byron Bay. The Oceans are my home.

How did Project Hiu come about?

I was flown to Indonesia for a documentary and taken to this shark fishing market to film. We filmed and left and it never felt right to me, we were demonising people who were feeding their families! I know the same thing happens in Australia behind closed doors so it didn't feel right to target them just because its in the open. So I went back a few years later with the idea of approaching a fisherman and asking how much to rent their boat, two years later I employ six boats.  Challenges were raising money and being a young girl thankfully I had some help getting the fishermen onboard int the first place.

Greatest inspirations or influences?

Valerie Taylor is my major inspiration, she's my hero. 

Plans for Project Hiu in this coming decade. 

Project Hiu has grown an insane amount since it started, I have been letting it develop without having too many ideas or goals. I hope to increase the amount of fishermen we employ, continue to help the local school and raise more awareness about the life of shark fishermen. 

What is the biggest misconception people have towards shark fishing?

I think the biggest misconception is that the shark fishermen in this case in particular, are hunting sharks because they hate them and enjoy killing sharks. In this case, its the men profiting form the sale of shark fins in Hong Kong that are in need of attention, the real enemy. The shark fishermen I work with do not want to fish sharks, they are trying to make enough money for the basics, school, rice and water. 

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How can our readers help?

Pls watch and share this film

and join me on a trip in Indonesia so we can afford to keep their boats away from fishing sharks.

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