Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Harmony Korine was just a teen skateboarding and smoking weed with friends in Washington Square Park when he noticed photographer Larry Clark in 1993. Impressed, the photographer asked him to compose a script about skater youth. Korine told Clark, "I've been waiting all my life to write this story" and in 3 weeks, while living at his grandmother’s in Queens he wrote the screenplay for Kids, one of the most controversial films ever made about 24 hours in the sex and drug-filled lives of a bunch of NYC teens. The film introduced Chloë Sevigny (who he dated on and off for several years), and Rosario Dawson in their first movie roles. 

Not many know he's the dude that makes a cameo in the film as the dorky club kid wearing weird coke bottle glasses and a Nuclear Assault shirt, ( I believe that was shot at the Tunnel bathroom right)? I love that scene. After all these years that interaction always stuck.

He later directed cult film “Gummo” in 1996 and refused most work within the Hollywood system, except on his own abstruse scripts. Both his homes in the '90s, burned down under 'mysterious' circumstances and he later moved to Europe where he wouldn't touch a film for nearly a decade.

Finally in 2012 Harmony moved to Florida and worked on " Spring Breakers, a pretty random acidy crime story" starring James Franco and Selena Gomez wearing a string bikini and pink ski mask ( how could it not be a box office success)?

Now he lives in Miami with his family and has an art studio in the Design District - "The history is only like 100 years here, so it's really just inventing itself. I could never live in Europe  because the history is so foreboding.”

He's been directing music videos and commercials—and shot a #Gucci campaign last month. As you can imagine I'm pretty curious to check out his latest film “The Beach Bum,” starring McConaughey + @snoopdogg. 
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