
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.



Toofless & the Dub Poets Collective  release “Perspective” featuring Capone of Capone-N-Noreaga

More than ever today, hip-hop is increasingly taking a front-seat in the world of underground music in the Middle East, with new releases bringing fresh sounds and finely tuned talent. 28-year-old Feras "Toofless" Ibrahim is a UAE-based rapper of Sudanese origins. His hip-hop expression started to materialize at age of 17 after being inspired by acts such as Mos Def, Nas, Lost Boys, Wu Tang, Jehst, 9th Wonder and Talib Kweli. Formerly part of the renowned, forward-thinking and socially conscious hip hop collective ‘Diligent Thought’. Feras Ibrahim is now working on an experimental EP with DPC, Feras also performs regularly and is a vital member of Employees of the Month.Dub Poets Collective (DPC) employ scores of international, musical and social influences fused into their heartfelt productions. Their music has been featured on many albums, mixtapes, television, documentary films, and major radio stations across the world.

Perspective - Toofless featuring Capone of Capone-N-Noreaga by Feras 'toofless' Ibrahim

Lost Days - Toofless by Feras 'toofless' Ibrahim

Greatest inspirations or influences? Everything from a wisp of smoke and streetlights to this earth and beyond. I'm not going to lie and say that inspiration is there all the time.  I face difficulties trying to find it, so I try to be aware all the time and expand my mind  because you never know where you may find it. I also notice little things and actively observe my surroundings to regain inspiration. I am influenced by the music i listen to, my surroundings, family, friends, interactions, experiences and so on.

How does living in the Middle East influence you?

The Middle East only gives me a view point to look out from, it does not influence my sound as it is, it only broadens my mind as to truly understand what is happening in this region. I was born and raised in the UAE so that definitely contributes to my perception,  to my lyrics and my beat's choice.

Favorite websites, blogs, publications?

Hmmm..I'm not big on technology and don't surf the internet that much, but i am not against it either.  I guess I'm still old school when it comes to that, I still like holding a book in my hand and reading it. I disregard most of the information  from internet based sources, unless it is 100% valid. In this digital age anyone can say anything and eventually mislead someone vulnerable. so my interactions with blogs, websites and others are quiet limited. I check out www.mideastdynasty.com from time to time just to see whats new in the region in terms of music, other than that I check out my girlfriend's and other friends/artists blogs.

Upcoming gigs, tour? I am part of 'Employees of the Month' collective, and there is a red bull event that we are lined up for this month but nothing is confirmed so far. Last month was packed with gigs so we are just exhaling right now, however follow me on twitter @aka_toofless and get on our facebook www.facebook.com/EOMdxbto get more information on our upcoming gigs.

Anything else he'd like to share with our audience?

I am in the pre-phase of shooting a  video for Lost Days and trust me when I say, this is going to be experimentally different so look out for that in the next coming months.  I am also collaborating wtih DPC again to generate a hip hop/experimental/jazzy/trip hop kind of Ep so make you sure u check that out..i also have a lot of collaborative material coming out with well established producers such as Wriggly Scott,Nickodemus and many more. Last but certainly not least I would like to thank you for having me on your blog. Respect!