Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Phantosmia -all but the smell

Dillon Gallery exhibited scent sculptures developed by Christophe Laudamiel that express key moments in his perfumery life declaring scent is it’s own form of art. 

The installation featured seven independent microcosms ( tents), each representing a specific olfactory trip: At Your Own Risk, Fear, Fragile, The Last Virgin, The Monkey and the Banana, Remembrance of Things Lost and my favorite- The Whip and The Orchid ( which reminds me of the air after rain in Phuket, Thailand).

Laudamiel says, “Each scent should be considered like a painting, a sculpture or a beautiful short story.” His crusade for a fully recognized and unleashed Perfumery -artistically, emotionally and academically- is brought under a new light in this groundbreaking experience.

The smell that hits the visitor as they enter the gallery is titled “The Remembrance of Things Lost”. The critical components that went into the production of the rich discharge were inspired by the life of Marlene Dietrich.