Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Nomad Chloe Garcia Ponce was born in Mexico, but grew up in Geneva and Paris, since her father was the Mexican ambassador to these countries. The family then moved to N.Y because her father was appointed the Mexican ambassador to the UN. Chloe attended NYU, studying painting and intaglio printing, French, Italian and Latin American Literature. She later worked at Sotheby's in the Latin American department, then moved into fashion working with Tracy Feith and becoming a buyer for Matta. Her love for travel started at childhood when moving to different countries, learning to speak different languages, became a way of life.

Chloe began her inspiring blog

Nomadic Songlines

because she wanted to share her experiences and travels and interesting background. Chloe has met amazing artists, Leonora Carrington, Octavio Paz, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Rufino Tamayo, Francisco Toledo,  and Alvarez Bravo. Both her uncles where part of the Ruptura Movement in Mexico City. Fernando Garcia Ponce was a painter part of this movement breaking away from the Muralist in Mexico, and her uncle Juan Garcia Ponce was a well known writer, that belonged to the same circle of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Chloe also has  family in Haiti, that have a wonderful gallery called

Gallerie Monnin.

Why did you start Nomadic Songlines?

  • I started Nomadic Songlines as a journal, to digest all the beautiful things that I was witnessing. I wanted to share with people these beautiful treasures. My love for travel, meeting beautiful souls, with so much talent and art, kept me inspired. I nurture my soul this way,I wanted to share a little bit of magic with who ever wanted to experience it. I am still the buyer for Matta, traveling and bringing pieces back to sell to the store, incorporating them with Cristina Gitti's beautiful collection. I usually have trunk shows in my house after I come back from my travels, sharing with friends my unique finds. My passion for textiles, color have transcended from my painting background. I am a nomad at heart, traveling, connecting with the magic of the world. I love to discover the mystery of different civilizations, and remembering their wisdom and knowledge.

Greatest Inspirations?

The person that has inspired me the most in my life is my Grandmother Hazel, she was Cherokee Indian, and she taught me everything about my connection with the Earth and her medicine. I have been studying plants for the past five years, making oils, salves, tinctures, understanding there healing properties. Hopefully one day I will come out with my brand of remedies! I am a work in progress, following my heart, living by my truth, honoring life's beauty.

Favorite Artists?

  • Frida Kahlo, Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo, which are strong female artists that have touched me tremendously.

  • My favorite period in art is Surrealism, Andre Breton wrote the Surrealist manifesto and declared Mexico and Haiti as the only two countries that were naturally surreal.

Favorite Authors?

  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I love magical surrealism, Italo Calvino and Isabelle Allende. Herman Hesse book Siddhartha changed my life, I read it when I was 13 years old, as well as Khalil Gibran's The Prophet.


  • Keith Jarrett and Pat Metheny

Where do you love to go in New York?

  • I love the botanical gardens in Brooklyn, The Neue Gallery, Asia Society,

  • Carnegie Hall and the village vanguard, these are the places that inspire me in N.Y.

Favorite Blogs, Sites?

Words I live by: Be kind and compassionate with yourself and others.