
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.




Francesco Masci is the artist/graphic designer behind this incredible piece , Techno Da Da, we saw at Haired in Miami this past Art Basel. The exhibition was creatively curated by Virginia Villari, co-founder of Creamhotel and www.enjoytheride.info.

Francesco originally from Rome began drawing before he could speak his first words.  He began as a satirical cartoonist for newspapers in Italy before he dedicated himself completely to painting.  One of the highlights has been that coming to New York without knowing a soul, he exhibited his work with Italian master Carlo Maria Mariani and Jeff Koons ( in 2007), having the legendary Penny Arcade and musician Chris Rael perform at this opening was a flattering achievement.

What was the inspiration behind Techno Da Da?

There is always a story behind my work. Last summer I decided to retire in Rome to make a good body of work without having distractions. Virginia Villari called me from New York to invite me to participate in Haired so after reading the concept behind the show the whole work process came out very natural. I had the idea, I found the right model and made a few sketches. I started building this wig overnight with all the cables and wires I had in my house, plus I asked for some particular ones to my father and friends. To take it apart was annoying since I had tightened it with wire very carefully from the inside.

Greatest inspirations or influences?

I have no preferences as source of inspiration. If you live the right life inspiration comes from every corner at every second. It is a characteristic of mine though to often quote masters from the European Renaissance and Baroque. Living among many other artists here in New York is a daily irradiation of ideas for me.

Most interesting response to your work so far?

When my friends are able to read in my work even aspects of my personality, my story, when they see what I see through my eyes.

What would be a dream project for you?

I’ d love to do some projects with kids in the future

What was most interesting about art basel 2011?

Although I exhibited this year, I really didn't visit much except for Haired, Fountain Art Fair and Aqua, ( which were all really cool). This year I went to Miami to hang with friends and have a good time.

Favorite websites, blogs, publications?

Anything else you'd like to share with our audience?

I have said enough words that I feel I should be silent for 2 months. I just want to thank, other than Virginia Villari and Stephan Blanc, all the people who made and who are making my life beautiful. Especially my dear friends the legendary performer artists Penny Arcade and the great musician and composer Chris Rael, who took real good care of me years ago when I first moved to NYC…I could never have overcome this moment without their help. I could have never known that side of this city that I pictured through their stories as real characters from East Village and Lower East Side. I am deeply grateful also to Christian Rafael, whose suggestions helped me free myself from the addiction of thinking.

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