
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.

Cristóbal Schmal Illustration

Cristóbal Schmal Illustration

Cristóbal Schmal was born in Arica, Chile. A dusty city in the Atacama Desert. He studied Graphic Design in Valparaiso and then moved to Barcelona (Spain) where he lived for 7 nice years. Two years ago he moved to Berlin.



Greatest Inspirations or Influences?

  • Chilean communist graphics from the '70's, engravings,

  • posters, travels, old typography;

  • German Modernism, films, literature and music.

Most interesting projects you have done so far?

  • Poster about Berlin for a Bauhaus Archive exhibition

  • Poster about Bauhaus Movement for a Bauhaus City Tour in Berlin organized by Inpolis

  • Some Illustrations about Russian poets that lived in Baku city for a Magazine in Baku

Favorite websites/blogs/publications?

  • http://escroto.tumblr.com/

  • http://www.manystuff.org/

What would be a dream project for you? I would really like to make a Film, or some animation project.

Why has Berlin become such a creative hub in Europe?

Because of its history, its spaces, the low prices and its strategic location in Europe

What do  you like most about living in Berlin?

I enjoy Berlin for its quality of life, people are relaxed. There is also a great tradition in terms of Graphic Design and Illustration concerns. And its still cheap!



Start Collecting with Exhibition A

Start Collecting with Exhibition A

Johan Ku and His Sculpture-Like Knitwear

Johan Ku and His Sculpture-Like Knitwear