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Pierre Dal Corso Fashion Photography

Pierre Dal Corso Fashion Photography

Leila antakly Interviews photographer Pierre dal corso

Pierre Dal Corso was born in the south west of France, where he studied art history and photography. He then worked as a photography assistant between Paris and New York for several years. He is now back in Paris working mainly for fashion magazines and on a personal art project. He is also looking into getting into video. So keep an eye out for his work because his photographs pop straight out of the pages  ( and computer screens) and we love how he works with color and big time female sensuality.

Greatest inspirations or influences?

  • Robert Mapplethorpe, Nick Knight, Stanley Kubrick,

  • Wong Kar- Wai, Henri Matisse, Gustav Klimt...

  • I get inspired by so much more. From the ballet, to sculptures. anything really.

Most memorable shoot so far? They've all been different, so it's difficult to say...

There was a shoot from several months ago ( coming out  soon) where I shot monochromatic statues, (girls painted and dressed up in only one color). Visually this one is very strong, but most of the most memorable things happen on location when your far away from everything and have to adapt to new surroundings.When you find yourself in front of wild rhinos, when the location van is stuck in the mud miles away from everything, when you lose the model in the crowd..

So many stories I could tell...

Favorite sites.blogs or publications?

I very rarely buy magazines anymore, going more for coffee table or art books.

What would be a dream project for you?

Shooting wild animals in a fashion story

Anything else you’d like to share?

Make love people!

Sutsu Clothing, For Those Who Ride

Sutsu Clothing, For Those Who Ride