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Pretty Boy

Pretty Boy


Blakeslee Films and Tune in Tokyo Productions, a full service production company, was formed out of the inspiration of cinema and music by founder Clarence Fuller who had a desire  to turn his hobby into a business. I've previously interviewed Clarence , but as a party promoter/model/jack of all trades, and now as a producer/director for film projects and music videos for Interscope, Capital and Geffen Records.

What is Pretty Boy?

I was inspired by a Nike commercial and I wanted to write a script about a young, deeply disturbed boxer and how he lived his life. From there the story grew. I dove deep into my character's world and researched to try to understand the choices he would have to make and why he made them. Its very interesting how one's childhood can affect one so much in their adult life. I know how my childhood has affected  the choices I make, so I could only imagine my character's choices.

Greatest challenges with this film?

The greatest challenge in directing Pretty Boy was making sure I stayed true to the script. I really want the audience to feel uncomfortable  just as much as the character. I want the audience to feel that they are right there with him. There is one scene in particular, The John scene, which was one long cut, that got very intense, but not overly intrusive. Even I feel a little uncomfortable watching this scene, but can't look away.

Some of the projects you have worked on so far?

This past year a lot of my work has been producing music videos for Interscope, Geffen, and Capital Records. Some of the artists include: Semi Precious Weapons, Shwayze, Sky Ferriera, and JoJo "In the Dark" which I also co directed. Another film which I produced, "Chinatown," premiered at the Cannes Short Film Corner at the Cannes Film Festival in May.

Dream Project?

  • The perfect script and story.

  • A budget that allows me to really be creative.

  • Access to the most talented actors who help bring my vision to screen.

  • Its kind of a wide open answer but when you have to deal with small budgets and favors you may be missing that one extra light, or that perfect location, or you rush a shot because you don't have the funds to pay overtime. That being said the amount of knowledge and know how you get from filming this way is priceless.

You worked with Bill Cosby?

Working with Bill Cosby was an unbelievable experience and chance of a lifetime. My generation grew up watching his show and I was in awe just to meet him. I was honored to produce a live web cast for him and his Band, Cosnarati. We filmed a performance the day before and my editor turned out a great cut over night to inter cut with the live web cast. I believe we had almost 100,000 viewers. Its something I will always be thankful for being apart of.

What are you working on next?

I am currently in pre production for my next film which is untitled and about Hitler's relationship with Eva Braun. I am also developing a feature, set to film spring 2011 and will continue on music video production.

Malika Cosme Photography/Art

Malika Cosme Photography/Art

Teknocolor Dream Independence Weekend