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More Perfect, Works by Sali Taylor

More Perfect, Art Exhibition by Sali Taylor at gallery nine 5

More Perfect is a current exhibition at gallery nine 5 in NY, by artist Sali Taylor who juxtaposes women's magazine images with classical and mythological goddesses creating a position and statement into our cultural values and standards for femininity. ...

Her work investigates the paradoxes inherent in contemporary attitudes towards women, fashion and beauty. “My work is an intuitive response to the fashion industry, which is very much part of my environment in New York City. My studio is in the epicenter of the fashion district  so I am surrounded by fashion’s values and feel compelled to respond to them”-Sali Taylor

Greatest Inspirations or Influences?

  • My mother in law, an artist still painting at 89 who assured me (with two children in diapers) that I had plenty of time to do it all just not all at once, and both my grandmothers.
  • Agnes Martin, Lee Bontecou for dropping out and doing their own thing outside the art scene.
  • Louise Bourgeoise and Judy Chicago for their creative chutzpah and professional endurance.
  • Mapplethorpe's photo of a grinning Louise holding Fillette under her arm like a purse, could surely be an icon for our times.
  • I felt reborn, when I saw the Dinner party for the first time, just by being in the presence of that great lineage. Chicago who has been horribly undervalued, may still achieve the recognition that LB garnered later in life.  As long as we're alive, there's still time for us all.
  • Other influences Carolee Scheemann, Cindy Sherman,  Eleanore Attin, Martha Rosler, Nancy Spero, Marilyn Minter, Dada, Pop, Warhol, Richard Prince, Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Ancient Greek art, Michele Obama to name only a handfull.

Is there an overall message you are trying to convey ? Being a woman has never been harder than it is now.  We're caught between irreconcilable myths and manifestos. I have a lot of questions and no solutions.  Transitions are always uncomfortable Media is using deceptive images to systematically undermine girls and women's self esteem to sell product. Self improvement is always an inside job.

How do you feel the fashion industry is changing? I am no expert in this area but have observed:

  • Art and fashion are more co-mingled than ever.
  • Fashion industry is starting to realize that there is an enormous (no pun intended) unserved market for women who wear size 14 and over.
  • They have noticed curves are coming back.
  • Made softcore porn style main stream
  • Still exploiting models and creating unhealthy,unrealistic and unattainable standards of beauty, but being exposed more often for doing so.

Anything else you would like to share with our audience?

  • I am not anti-fashion-I love design, color and creative dressing and am always inspired by the street fashion flair found in this city.
  • I'm a fan of vintage, recycled, repurposed clothes, thrift stores, friend swaps and hand me downs.
  • I have a husband who still makes me feel beautiful every day after all these years.

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