
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.

Massive Attack @ Terminal 5

Last night I almost didn't get to see Massive Attack, one of my favorite bands perform live, but thanks to the persuasion of "certain" friends, we were able to "find" tickets just in time. Tricky got his start with the trip hop crew formerly known as the Wild Bunch, and the band’s influential debut, predated the first releases of both Tricky and Portishead. Heligoland, dominated the set and I was disappointed they didn't play older tunes from Protection. However, atmosphere and “Teardrop,” sung by Martina Topley-Bird made it all worthwhile. The set backdrop of LED multimedia messages  flashed across the screen speaking out against corporate greed, political corruption,ludicrous immigration laws, celeb headlines, and  went dark, leaving behind  the url:www.thepeoplespeak.com.

Kelacala Q Jewelry Reflects Individual Style

Kelacala Q Jewelry Reflects Individual Style

An Octopus Of My Own- by Seanna Sharpe