Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Hello Handsome Peter

Photo by Ivana Rose

Interview with actor/writer/director/producer - Peter Scarf, who is currently starring in Australia's highest rating Drama "Underbelly: The Golden Mile".

This handsome fellow, who happens to be incredibly down to earth and lovely, ( just like his sister Angelina) co-wrote and directed "Fortune"  with Ahmad Diba,starring Scott Cohen, Keir Dullea, Jason Shaw and is currently adapting Andrew Wilson's novel The Lying Tongue for UK producer Nicky Moss (producer of Moon starring Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey). Here I ask him to share with us his recent experiences at Coachella...

Your greatest inspirations ?

  • My mother

  • the poetry of Leonard Cohen

  • Music - it can inspire me out of any funk if only I remember to play it

Best part of your Coachella experience?

  • Dancing to the first 10 min of Z-Trip (best non-sexual 10 mins I've had in years).

  • Seeing a guy meditating in lotus position on stage during LCD Sound system - with bands approval - pretty cool.

  • Hugging two umpaloompas at an after party after spinning on a Gravitron in an airport hanger - umpa umpa umpati do.

  • Seeing couples trying to sleep on the ground while thousands of people mosh around them in the mosh pitt.

Any musical surprises?

Temper Trap - I think I'm a bit late on this discovery.

Favorite websites? - if you get past the naked masturbators you can meet different people from all over the world - I just discovered it last week.

Favorite films, and directors?

  • Casavettes (a woman under the influence)

  • Scorsese (raging bull) /

  • Polanski (knife in the water) /

  • Kubrick (eyes wide shut - totally underrated) /

  • Bergman (apart from the obvious his last film Saraband was incredible and largely unseen) /

  • Tarkovsky.

How does living in L.A affect your creativity as a film maker?

Being around people who live and breath film everyday means that there is a shorthand to filmspeak and an innate understanding of process, character, structure, and 'the biz'. Then again, LA reminds you that this is a dollars and cents industry and there are few who care about anything but putting bums on seats for 90mins at a time buying popcorn and soda. In LA, unlike in Australia, people are looking for a breakout, for a 'story'- they want you to do well because it works for them on the other side of it and they know that. Most importantly, people in LA make you feel like literally anything is possible (even if they are lying to your face which so many do) - and that helps creativity as it demolishes all limits. In New York, it's real and you feel shit cause people are harsh and direct and straight... whereas in LA people tell you what you want to hear... And you feel great in the moment but you end up waiting by the phone in the hope that people will do what they say they will do. I have definitely gone off subject here. What was the question again?

Challenges of what you do?

Patience. Discipline. Believing. Trusting instincts. Deciding and committing. Managing expectations. No different to life generally

Dream collaboration or project would be?

  • A low budget two hander w a guy and girl that I shoot myself - super rough, intimate, and emotionally complex. Most likely uncommercial

  • To write a thriller for Polanski.

Anything else ?

"Life is short, art is long, opportunity fleeting" - can't remember who said that - Hippocrates? Socrates? One of those wise Greeks.


Courtesy of Ivana Rose

For Extra Awesome  Coachella Coverage, (Pics & Videos) check out Shok's blog