Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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The T-Skirt, Pop Art & More Fashion Talk with Marco Santaniello

Meet Marco Santaniello, an Italian artist focused on pop culture and the  fashion system.  He has a degree in Communications, from Perugia but also specializes in Coohunting ( he did a course at Polimoda S.R.L. in Florence), Marketing and Graphic Design. His  pop fashion “portraits” have become well known on the internet and is also known for creating the " T -Skirt". He also contributes on fashion and trends  on the "news" section of the Max Mara blog in Italy.

Greatest inspirations?

I really take inspiration from everything and every moment of my life.

RUBIK’S CUBE, and ANDY WARHOL (not necessarily  his works but  more his mood, his karma) and his idea of the FACTORY , the outcome- Pop Art.

Other Favorite Artists?

One of my favourite is Claes Oldenburg. I’d love to use this occasion to nominate Alexander McQueen, he was a great artist.

How is the fashion industry changing in Italy?

I really can’t stand the Italian’s idea of fashion. It’s just  a business and logo bullshit….  I try to focus on fashion in a different way, a more artistic, underground approach.People need to believe more in themselves. As a creative being I can tell you that lots of young people are not happy  with the situation here. Italy needs more”colours” and more young people especially in the government. Italy is an old country and young people are getting old with it.

Favorite Designers?

  • I do love Gareth Pugh. Ive followed his work since he was relatively unknown.

  • Henrik Vibskov, we’re on the same wave -so eccentric and colorful a

  • Andrea Crews, my favourite style.

Plans for the year?

We’re in the middle of a burning year for me as I have so many  projects going on right now. There is an exhibition where 10 of my portraits will be on display in Milan at  “the Ypsilon Milano” near Porta Genova. My art will be there ‘till the 30th of April , so check it out.  and I am finishing up my website which will be ready soon.

Dream Project?

To create my own factory. Ideally I'd love to get a loft in Manhattan where I'd live, party, and work doing exhibitions, fashion shows, and crating a new underground world.

3 Things You Can't Live Without?


  • MY I-MAC,

  • MUSIC.

Favorite Websites?
