
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.

Alfonso Gaitan Vald Es Illustration and Design

Oldest child from a very small family, born and raised in Monclova, Mexico; Moved around the States for school & work (started in architecture and end up doing fashion design/illustration.) Alfonso arrived to NY in the fall of 2008, in order to finish up a specialization in Menswear at FIT and has worked as freelance illustrator for various companies and designers and is currently working under the wing of Carlos Campos.

Greatest inspirations? WAR. It may sound bad or mean, but these type of events always influence fashion in the strongest ways. Besides I like the fact that beautiful inspiration can come out from such horrible events. “ I strongly believe in always finding the pretty side of things”.

Favorite websites? The cool hunter as for right now. ( I change my mind often )

Favorite brands ?

  • RICK OWENS: the fabrics, the drape, the feel of the collections
  • CoSTUME NATIONAL: the tailoring and military influence
  • ALEXANDER MCQUEEN: does this need  any explanation?

Dream project for you would be? To create a big fashion event, with upcoming menswear designers in NYC and make it the launching platform for those who adventure in this very specific market.

3 things you cant live without?

My I-pod, pencil and sketchbook

Fashion icon you would love to design for?

Rick Owens

Anything else you’d like to share?

I always like to say that I AM WHAT I AM, BUT NOT YET WHAT I WANT TO BE, so stay tuned and keep up with my work at  http://alfonsogaitanwork.blogspot.com

Interview with Afro Futurist and Psychedelic Visionary Gazelle

Interview with Afro Futurist and Psychedelic Visionary Gazelle

Plush Fashion Styling

Plush Fashion Styling