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MoMA/P.S.1 Young Architects Program Winner Announced

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The Museum of Modern Art and P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center have named Solid Objectives - Idenburg Liu (SO – IL) the winner of the 2010 MoMA/P.S. 1 Young Architects Program, recognizing the Brooklyn-based architectural firm for its environmentally sustainable outdoor installation, "Pole Dance."

Consisting of clusters of swaying 25-foot-tall poles connected by drooping nets of bungee cords, the architecture team's plan envisions an urban landscape of recreational settings to fill P.S. 1's courtyard, some offering hammocks and others containing water misters or plants. The design — which will also feature a pool and sand pit — fulfills the program's requirements of costing no more than $85,000 to execute and containing shade, water, seating, and places for the beer bars so central to P.S. 1's Warm Up series, which "Pole Dance" will inaugurate when it opens in June.