
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.




Alejandro Mosso is the real name behind the aliases Funzion, E. Bridge and Ampec. Born in Argentina in 1983 he is part of the new generation of producers from Argentina that everyone has been talking about.

He has released music in respected international labels such as Alphahouse (USA), Lo Mid High (Denmark), Sushitech (UK), Lessizmore (Belgium), 11am (Spain), Telegraph Records (France), Igloo (Argentina), Sinergy Networks (Spain), Thinner (Germany), Zensible Records (Argentina), Silenzio (Italy) and Filtro (Mexico). He has also licensed tracks for Ministry of Sound, Cocoon and Circoloco@DC10 compilations mixed by world recognized djs.

Between 06 and 09 Mosso toured Europe four times where he presented his well known, emotive and fresh live performances at nearly every main underground club.

His music is tricky, warm, melodic and energetic. This makes it suitable for both, club and home listening. With many years in music under the belt and a prolific career, his music has been in constant development and artistic growth. I heard the track "Somebody" this summer , ( its on our ipod player) and was blown away. Your musical inspirations or influences?

I couldnt say what exactly inspires me... i guess a bit of everything: music, sounds, landscapes, feelings, life, books, friends, love... is difficult to distinguish exactly what generated the meldoy or idea in my mind before  I write it into the song.

Favorite musicians?

  • Thom Yorke

  • Raz Ohara

  • Autechre

  • Jose Gonzalez

  • Astor Piazzolla

  • My Bloody Valentine

  • Bjork

Why? Because they produce something unique in me.

How would you describe your musical style?

Mmmm difficult to say, maybe would be better to ask to one of those techno specialized journalists..... hahaha... I guess I would describe it as house, melodic, warm, emotive, bassy...

Favorite websites?

Favorite cultural hotspots in the world?

Not all of them are "cultural", but they each have a special meaning for me:

in no special order:

  • Potrerillos, Mendoza. Argentina

  • Zapallar, Viña del Mar. Chile

  • Holocaust Memorial, Berlin. Germany

  • Floralis Generica, Buenos Aires. Argentina

  • Berghain, Berlin. Germany

  • Aconcagua Mountain, Mendoza. Argentina

Jessica Lichtenstein

BAGSBACK by Andres Navia

BAGSBACK by Andres Navia