
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.


MUST is an incredible blog I recently discovered.

George, the editor and founder,  has been drawn to fashion, art and design ever since he was a kid but instead of pursuing a career in any of those fields he chose to study IT.  Now he is combining his knowledge and passion by creating this lifestyle blog which started out of a desire to do something creative on a larger scale, the world wide web. The website itself was started just 3 months ago and has already gained readers from all over the world. There are so many things he wants to write about, explore, create and share, and he is ready for the ride. Now, maybe, more than ever.

What is MUST?

Surfing the web is part of my daily job, and I always discover something or someone new, cool and note worthy, and since there are so many other coolhunting websites, I figured I can do better and I should start one of my own. MUST started as a simple coolhunting, trendspotting blog that turned to much more. With designers and artists from all over the world wanting to be a part of it MUST is growing in to a web magazine. The website will feature interviews with young fashion designers, musicians and artists, making MUST a place where you can get much more than just information.

Your greatest inspirations or influences?

Everything inspires me, from a bird on a tree to people walking down the street.

Favorite designers?

I don’t have a favorite designer, but I admire  John Galliano, Karl Lagerfeld, Alexander McQueen, Tom Ford and Victor & Rolf, just to name the few

Favorite websites and why?

www.mmmust.com because It’s my baby .. No, seriously, I don’t have favorite website. I visit so many websites every day that its hard to pick just one, some of them are featured in my blog roll.

Up and coming artists, musicians to look out for 2010?

Music: Dangerous Muse and Lo-Fi-Fnk [watch out for these boys] Designer: Marko Mitanovski

Dream dinner guest would be?

Without a doubt, Tom Ford and Anna Wintour.

Fashion icons?

Fashion goes by season, so do the fashion icons.

Anything else youd like to share with our audience?

Oh, YES! One tiny fact about MUST is that it is being hosted GREEN. Meaning; the power needed for the servers to run comes from renewable sources of energy, in this specific case it’s the Texas wind [No I am not from Texas I just host there  Why? It’s because I have been brought up with nature around me and I want our future generations to have an opportunity to see the mother earth in all its glory, and not just on TV or Internet. Im sure some of you will understand.

To India With Love, From New York to Mumbai

To India With Love, From New York to Mumbai