
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.

Davide Danese of LINK

Davide Danese of LINK


Davide Danese a techno crazed Italian currently living in Miami, was exposed to music early on thanks to his mothers passion for jazz. From there his own passion for all kinds of music intensified particularly with German electronic music. Founder of LINK, a movement that was created to bring this type of music to Miami.  LINK: anything serving to connect one part or thing with another-a bond or tie to TECHNO... 

LINK began with dj's Danyelino and Maurizio, and now includes Simon Wish, AND a resident party at the Electric Pickle that hosts monthly European guests strictly Berlin based.
Favorite dj's?

  • Obviously the M_NUS guys: Richie, Magda , Marco Carola, Paco Osuna and Geiser, then Anja Schneider, Pan Pot, Format B, Tom Clark, Alexi Delano, Adam Beyer, Paul Ritch and fortunately the list goes on and on.....

Favorite websites?

  • Resident Advisor is musically trustworthy, and the rest are sites to download sets from: http://www.audiobeats.net/app/main
  • http://www.ump3.de
  • http://www.ibiza-voice.com

The best Miami nightlife has to offer in your opinion? LINK nights at the Electric Pickle (obviously) ,the brand new Techno Loft at club Space and the classic PLOT parties.

Changes you see happening in this particular music scene? Well looks like Techno is finally a reality and the interest of the clubs in the market is giving us a chance to get more and bigger bookings( Camea and Steve Bug at the Loft is a good example)

Up and coming dj's or people to look out for?Maurizio +Danyelino at The Techno Loft are playing at any international dj level and attiring every week bigger attentionPlans to start a music label as well?

The record label LINK is "linked" to is SleazeTech and it will keep growing along with the movement, first label party will be Guido Schneider at the Techno Loft at Club Space on September 12th.

Adagion Studio Photography

Adagion Studio Photography

EVIL'S Evil Goods

EVIL'S Evil Goods