Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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EVIL'S Evil Goods

EVIL'S evil goods

Sharply titled counter-culture couture company run by ARLT & FONT comprising a shadowy couple of entrepreneurs the New York-based design force explains.

'Our conceptual vision examines popular bad girl iconography in order to understand and perhaps undermine the mythology of evil. By deconstructing these ideas and inserting our own sense of humor and twisted wit we create the daft designs that make up the brand.' The look is about rock n' roll and it's sonic youth. About glamour. Naughtiness. And seemingly bad attitudes through times and places. We cater to an audience of discerning sophisticates: Closet Glamazons, Rockers, Hipsters, Downtown Kids, Vegetarians, Squares, Artists, Young Professionals and anyone with money who can fit into a size S to L. To narrow it down: sexy people with taste.


Artist, Culture Creator, Ray of Darkness

Born February 25, 1977. A Pisces and a Snake. American born. Of Cuban descent.

After nearly a decade of experiences in New York City, Antonio emerged from the wasteland of business casual. Not all bad, creative advertising proved valuable in building one helluva clothing brand. Antonio Font and partner, Ashu Arlt met minds. Her glamour met his street cred and Evil's was born. "I think the happiest way of life is to be developing or making, making things. It's what keeps us closest to God.. or something greater than ourselves, call it what you will. You can't get to wonderful without passing through alright. You can't skip from not being able to function all the way over to running the whole show. And if you happen to have talent then u take that technique somewhere with your talent and you create new things."


Every yin has a yang. Every push has a pull. Life is not perfect and yet, it is. Sometimes it's terrifying. And sometimes it's incredibly beautiful. We'll take both. Thanks.

Inspirations? I was taught inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a lightening bolt to strike you in the brain, you're not going to make an awful lot of work. If I find myself and music generally does the trick. Brit rock, the Stones, Zeppelin, Jimi.. Lately, The Virgins, Cut Copy, The Knife, Justice, MGMT, M.I.A, Phoenix, The Raconteurs, The Dead Weather, Band of Skulls, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, ..The Kills.. etc etc.. I'd love to throw them all some clothes.


  • Jack Daniel & Johnny Walker, ahem.

Challenges in what you do?

When you love what you do, it's hardly a chore or challenge. It's the cherry on top.

Favorite Websites?

  • - All the newest, coolest stuff you don't know (but should)

  • - Olivier Zahm. i empathize.

  • Glenn O'Brien - a pleasure to read him

  • - photography

  • - to see what the kids are wearing

  • - to see what the kids are doing

  • - YSL to grunge

  • - downtown art, R.I.P.

  • - more downtown

  • - makes me laugh

  • - oddly pleasant

Why is your opinion unique?

Your best work is an expression of yourself. You may not be the greatest at it but when YOU do it, you're the only expert in it. There is no way we can escape ourself. If I give you a recipe and I give 5 other people that same recipe, you will have 6 different dishes on the table. And well, we happen to be quite tasty.

Favorite Shops in NYC?

  • Yellow Fever and Nom de Guerre.. the Flea Markets...What Comes Around Goes Around

Dream Dinner Guest?

Jesus Christ. He'd bring a good red and some friends. Others: Leonardo DaVinci, Andy Warhol, Einstein, Ed Scissor Hands, Anthony Bourdain. uh.. my wife?

Anything else you'd like to share with our audience? I'd like to moon my audience. They're skinny models. Hopefully they'll moon me back.

ASHU ARLT / Glamour Girl, Rebel, Creature of the Night

Brief Bio?

I was born in Argentina, lived in Europe like a nomad for seven years (my Rebel Without a Cause phase) then it was between New York City & BA (Argentina) for another seven. As most people in this business, we love fashion and we wanted to be a part of it. We had the creative need to make our statement. We joined forces, Antonio's super creative mind and my passion and drive made it happen.

Your philosophy?

I learned the hard way that In order to succeed in life you need to achieve some sort of balance between good and bad, the yin and the yang. When I talk about evil, our brand name, I am not thinking of hell and the demons that live there. I am just inviting people to take a walk on the wild side. Just for fun, just a little.

Greatest inspirations and influences?

Dark European Film from the 70, Hippies from the 60, Disco Glam, Rock & Roll, Pin-ups, Rockablilly, Gay Boys, Bad Girls throughout history. And Mother Nature, of course.

Challenges of what you do?

Eh...don't know if you heard, but we have a bit of a recession??

Favorite websites?

  • Ninu-Nina, of course....Sartorialist...fashionfrollic...rackandruin....

Kind of people who will love your brand?

Somebody that doesn't care what people think. Free Spirits, people, who form their own opinions , the Open minded and the fearless...squares need not apply.

Favorite shops in NYC?

Opening Ceremony, Barney's CO-OP, Bergdorf Goodman, shooting downtown for vintage boutiques, we're in New York City, if you can't find it here, it doesn't exist.

Dream dinner guest would be?

Too many to count Greta Garbo, Coco Chanel, Valentino, John Galliano, John&Yoko, Mick&Bianca, Roman Polansky, Pedro Almodovar, now also Michael Jackson, the list goes on...

Anything else?

I know it's cliche but: be true to yourself; never give up; be open to constructive criticism. You can't go wrong.

See this content in the original post

evil denim goods + evil cotton goods + evil leather goods