
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.

Guerra de la Paz

Guerra de la Paz


Guerra de la Paz

is the composite name of Cuban born, American artist duo Alain Guerra and Neraldo de la Paz, who have been collaborating in Miami since 1996. They work in sculpture, painting, and photography but are well known for their larger than life installation pieces that refer to the politics of modern conflict and consumerism. Together they create surrealistic sculptures made up of old clothing piled in rainbow hues. At last years Art Basel the collaborative sold their free-standing sculpture Nine to the British giant Charles Saatchi.

How did the collaboration begin?

We began working together the day we decided to share a studio. It was not our original intent but it just happened naturally and seemed to work. We were simultaneously drawn to the visual language of the neighborhood and felt the need to incorporate it into our own creative process. That forged a mutual dialogue that has grown over the years into an interwoven partnership.

What are you trying to tell your audience with your art?

We like to believe that the work speaks for itself. It often deals with the familiarity of a material or an image and can be ethereal, iconic, tactile and perceptual. Engaging awareness at various levels through a discourse of universal issues and personal recollections, always leaving it open to interpretation.

What you are looking forward to the most this year at Art Basel?

Seeing some friends and perhaps making new ones. Differences in the art world between Miami and New York?

New York is the archetype for culture - not doubt about that. There is more of everything – you can’t really compare them in that sense.

On the other hand, Miami has that frontier feel about it. And they’re connected to each other in so many ways. But there is so much more to these two cities. They have both been very inspiring.

Favorite websites?

There is so much good stuff out there. Whatever serves our purpose at the time.

Plans for the future?

Yes…but not everything goes as planned. We will keep on doing what we do.

Sunt Omnes Unum, (Latin - They are all one) 2008, garments, wood, steel and hardware

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