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Just Jr's Blog de Mode

Just Jr's Blog de Mode



I recently came across Just Jr's Blog de Mode and fell in love right away with his intricate and masterful collages. The blog is a portfolio inspired by luxury and reviews the latest in runway shows, designers, and style in large by creating collages that read as a story board. Cyana Trendland describes Just Jr as the "master of collage". Apparently he likes to remain mysterious but we do however know that he is only 17, Parisian now living in the UK, a blogger-newbie but fashion-professional, and a well connected creative mind…

What is Just Jr Blog de Mode?

I wanted to create one place where I could put all my work, inspiration and projects. Although the focus is on fashion, I try and mix it with other things such as design, architecture, news and people.

Favorite fashion brands?

For myself (menswear) I think the best brands are Ralph Lauren, Nike, Adidas, Bape, H&M, American Apparel etc. I also like Lanvin, Yves Saint Laurent and Balenciaga etc.

For women, I'd pick Lanvin, YSL, Celine and the key for all women: Oxford Shirts!

Favorite artists?

  • Vermeer is great, his work are more than just paintings.

  • Damien Hirst, Richard Prince and Andy Warhol are my modern favourites, they are thought provoking and give art a little simplicity.

Top 3 favorite websites?

  • www.colette.fr - Best for fashion, brands and products

  • www.nytimes.com - Best for news, style, art, design, Real Estate and everything you need... www.magculture.com - Jeremy Leslie is the man for magazine reviews...

Who are the most stylish women in your opinion?

Carine Roitfeld and Emmanuelle Alt = they make anything look perfect, in fact, all of the Vogue Paris team make the most stylish women!

Anyone can be stylish though if they want to...just be classic and don't think too much about what you wear.

Differences between fashion in Ny and Paris?

Paris is much more classic, you see allot of white, black, navy blue, stripes, leather and oxford shirts etc. In New York, the range of style is much wider, you see allot more colour, graphics, sports clothes, and designers.

Few items you cant live without?

Books and Magazines, they don't even compare to online media, but I also couldn't live without my Macbook and Blackberry, and graphic design and cool bottled waters.

How do you think the luxury world is changing?

Luxury Goods are income elastic, so obviously some (not all) people are going to have to at least think about cutting back, so as we saw during S/S 09, clothes are becoming more classic, and people are probably thinking about investment pieces, buyers are becoming more sensible with their money so allot are going to opt for the timeless classic which is a good investment piece in comparison to a trend which you could only wear for one season


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