
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.




Cristian Vargas, a famous Colombian designer created Typozon in 2005, a design studio that focuses on design, illustration and unique art projects.In a short time Typozon projects have been published in many International magazines, books and creative web sites and has been exhibited in museums and private art galleries in Colombia, Argentina, Spain and China.

Tell us about your creative process.

I mix natural elements ( animals, plants) with urban scapes (cities, buildings, structures ) to create analogies and contrasts between these two, and create new things.

I'm always drawing in my sketch pad and I take some of those ideas to inspire my projects.

What are some of the highlights of your career?

The publication of Typozon in books and magazines like Look de Book (Barcelona), IdN(Hong Kong) where I was one of the winners of the Black and White Contest for the 15th anniversary of the magazine. Atlas world book of graphic design, where they posted all the best graphic design studios around the world.

Favorite Websites:

  • www.madethought.com www.amore.se www.pentagram.com www.isseymiyake.co.jp

How is design in Latin America in contrast to the US and Europe?

There is a difference in styles and shapes management, but the biggest difference in my opinion is the perception of color. An example is that in the equator line, we have the same weather all the time, and in other countries seasons change which affects the mood of the people so they experiment with colors based on the weather. Latin American people like contrast palettes of colors.

Artists that inspire you

Kandinsky, Mucha, Klimt

Favorite Brands

Mont Blanc, Adidas, Apple and Levi's. What are your future plans?

My long term plans is to continue working with current and new clients from all over the world. I will love getting to work with some of my favorite brands. I also want to work in more multipurpose projects that involve various design fields. Right now I'm planning to create a fashion brand called "GOLD School" and am working to produce a sequel of a book that I printed out in 2007 called Loadind, (a story book with a game of typography and illustrations.


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