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photo by Jesse Untracht-Oakner

Gabrielle Bernstein lectures young women in New York on happiness and shifting perceptions. I recently went to her lecture " Fall in Love with Your Future" and felt very much inspired with what she had to say.

Gabrielle started two companies her first year out of college;the first was the Women’s Entrepreneurial Network – a non-profit for female entrepreneurs and the second was a boutique PR firm called SparkPlug Communications. After three years in business she began to get calls from local universities i.e. NYU, FIT, Baruch etc. asking her to speak in marketing/pr or entrepreneurship classrooms. She would speak on vocational topics and always found that young women truly resonated with her messages. She has since continued speaking at the Learning Annex and for women’s organizations such as the NY Junior Leagues.

How has life in NY inspired what you do today?

The New York mentality truly supports the life of a young entrepreneur. With a thousand networking opportunities throughout the day there is never a lack of work or new connection. In regard to my lectures New York truly supports my mission. The city is a tough place to live and without the proper tools to navigate through life you can easily get swallowed up. I begin each lecture by reminding my audience to breathe. Most people rush through life but New Yorkers take the cake.

Favorite books?

  • A Return to Love – Marianne Williamson – because MW is my guru… I am a student of the Course in Miracles and base my lectures and coaching topics on the work of the Course as does Marianne. That book changed my life and continues to each time I pick it up.

  • Peace is in Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh – because when I read it had my first taste of serenity.

  • The Course in Miracles – because it changed my life and shifted my way of thinking

Favorite teachers/mentors?

  • Marianne Williamson – author and renoun lecturer – she has what I want! She is my future career model…

  • Joe Watson - without excuses – he pushes me to be a powerhouse in my career and he TRULY believes in me.

  • Karen Salmansohn – Best selling author – she has been an endless support in all areas of my life and truly inspires me.

  • My mother - words can’t describe this

Favorite places in New York to meditate?

  • Integral Yoga,

  • The Open Center,

  • My apartment,

  • The roof of my office,

  • the West side highway

Things about New York that make it tough for us to live balanced lives?

Work, a drinking/drugging/party mentality, not enough room in our living space, noise, not enough nature, the major emphasis on money and objects.

Plans for the future?

  • To be a bestselling author

  • Speak to millions of people across the world through lectures, books, television, radio etc.

  • Be a well known mentor for young women throughout the world

  • To have a family and an amazing husband who supports my life’s mission (to spread love)

Most stylish girls in New York?

  • The number one most stylish girl in NY is Micaela Ezra – designer for Cynthia Steffe and my best friend

  • I admire any woman who finds her own style and rocks it…

Words you live by?

“only love is real” The Course in Miracles

For upcoming lectures or private group sessions visit www.gabriellebernstein.com



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