Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Eddie Shieh of Red Rope

Eddie Shieh is an advertising creative director of 16 years who has recently ventured into film making having written and directed several shorts, ( one of our favorites is "No Menus Please"). Eddie's first short film led him to create The Red Rope Screening, an advertising sponsored event series that networks creative, professional, academic and social industries by showcasing internationally acclaimed shorts. A year later, he created The Red Rope Playhouse under the same premise to present short plays and readings written by celebrated playwrights.

How do you select what gets screened at Red Rope events?

Red Rope is a brand that I intend to develop as a production company by introducing film and theater to future generations in an innovative way. All events are by free by-invitation-only to young cultured, possibly affluent,people seeking new artistic and cultural experiences. So, the selection process is always tough - sometimes sponsor themed dependant - although my audience can always expect to see deserving winners or nominations from Oscars, Pulitzers, Cannes, Emmy's, etc. And, every presentation is always followed by complimentary cocktails.

Plans for Red Rope's future?

Red Rope will continue - sponsorship pending - with an annual Screening, and (hopefully) an annual Playhouse presentation. That, and producing/directing a small film which I co-wrote with a Pulitzer nominee.

Most exciting Red Rope moments?

The most exciting moment for me thus far was at my recent, Red Rope Playhouse reading series of short plays about Ex-Lovers. I watched how the audience became so involved in each play.

Favorite going out spots in New York?

I don't have a current favorite spot for going out probably because I haven't had the time. But given the chance, I trust and follow my friends, lately I've been frequenting Florent for lunch, and Indochine for dinner. Maybe what's old will be new again...

Favorite websites?,,,,,

Differences between the film industry in LA and NYC?

The differences between the film industries of LA and NYC are about as clearly different as the cities. It's long been said that if you want to do, or be in, film and tv, LA is the place to be. New York has a strong community itself particularly with independent film and the city governance has long been pushing for more productions here, offering better benefits every year.And I hope to take full advantage when the time is right.

How has NY inspired and influenced your career decisions?

As a born-and-bred New Yorker, I have a very dysfunctional love/hate relationship with New York. This city has overshadowed every personal and career decision I've ever encountered and won. Example: I "tried" to move to LA for ten years, frequenting the City of Angels often to shoo

t commercials but finally gave that notion up in 2001. The simple fact is, "if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere..."

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Zoe Kazan, Scott Cohen, Israel Horovitz and Adam Horovitz ,photo by Chris Leary