Ninu Nina Artist Interviews

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Many describe artist Eneas Capalbo as a modern day "Andy Warhol". Here's what we wanted to know about this New York City artist who picks his subjects amongst his social circle of friends and who's drawings will soon be published in a special limited edition by Valentino:

Who is Eneas Capalbo?

This guy you ran into one day Leila.  

What's a day in the life of Eneas like?

Would entail ideally church in the morning, although so rarely do I actually make it (but maybe that makes it that much nicer when I do go). Those rooms and the dim light from the windows are so inspiring, the one on park and 64th st is quite lovely. My day always entails Central Park and then either drawing or painting.

What can a guy not live without in New York City?

It would depend on the guy I suppose.... A chic one would own one of my paintings in his apt. Other types I presume would have a big screen TV or something like that, but I wouldn't really know...

Favorite brands?

  • Cartier from the 70's for watches and lighters

  • New Balance for sneakers

  • Belgian shoes for shoes

  • Bucellatti for cuff links and silver trays

  • Oh! and Nantucket reds for summer pants.

Favorite place to socialize during the day?


At night?

Elaine’s for dinner and Sheik and Beik after.

Best drinks in NY?

At my apt

Best stores for men?

No men should walk into one, except maybe for socks and boxers.

Who makes the best suits?

Every guy would mention a different tailor. Whomever it is, it MUST be a tailor.

If u could retire now where would you go? 

I would just stay home reading. Perhaps to a bigger apt with a library i guess.

Chicest girls? 

The ones i draw

Highlights in your career so far?

None!I'm a very dissatisfied person...nothing ever is enough, and I believe it wholeheartedly

Best galleries in New York?

Gagosian and Aquavella

Photo by David Patrick Columbia