
Our mission is simple: to share inspiring narratives. We curate exceptional talents, selecting them solely based on the merit of their work, not fleeting trends. Join us in exploring the uncharted territories of creativity and celebrating the essence of artistry.



Julio Santo Domingo will make you Sheik n Beik- we know we are going to be hearing a lot about Julio who has been spinning in Rio, Colombia, New York and off to Japan and Europe for the summer.

Tell us about your background.

I grew up in Geneva, Switzerland and started spinning only in October.

What inspired you to become a dj?

Bad Music

How do you describe your style and music preferences?

I would call my style Psychedelic Techno. As to my music preferences, anything with a good beat and a groovy attitude. As a friend of mine always says: "Go Hard, Or Go Home".

Dj's you admire? I admire many DJ's but to name a few:

  • Sven Vath, Luciano, Damian Lazarus, Jamie Jones,

  • Loco Dice, Steve Bug and Par Grindvik.

Goals and aspirations?

My goal is to try to reach out to as many people as I can with my music by bringing them something fresh and enjoyable especially in the US where the predominant music is rock, hip-hop and pop. In the future, everyone will be talking about Psy-Tech the new growing phenomenon.

Are you starting a record label?

I'm starting a label called Sheik n Beik Entertainment

Your thoughts on the state of dance music, differences between the audience in Latin America and here in the U.S?

In my opinion I can only speak for Brazil and say that Brazilians have always been more into the Psy -Trance scene. Also some of the greatest DJ's and producers of the past 10 years all come from Chile such as Pier Bucci, Luciano, Ricardo Villalobos, Dinky just to name a few so the scene is quite big, not to mention that one of the most popular DJ's Erik Morillo has Colombian origins. In America things are different since the electronic music party scene is so suppressed by the authorities that keep on putting restrictions to opening hours of clubs. During the Miami Music festival every year in March, things are different and people have the ability to explore new music and DJ's and this is a very good thing for the US. Another great place to hear great electronic music is the Burning Man festival in Nevada at the end of August.

Where would be your favorite place to dj? Terrace of DC 10 in Ibiza or Cocoon Club in Frankfurt.

Listen to his demo at http://www.zshare.net/audio/90580311bebc7e/

and check out Cocoon Club

PhotoCREDIT Leila Antakly from the first sheik n beik